Government Executive, Trump Budget’s Blessing of Program Evidence Could Cut Two Ways (May 25, 2017)
Education Week, How Would Trump’s School Choice Innovation Research Grants Work? (May 23, 2017)
Nonprofit Times, 75% Disapproval Of Federal PBS Funding Cuts (February 27, 2017)
Nonprofit Times, Nonprofits Targeted for Federal Funding Cuts (February 21, 2017)
Education Week, What i3’s Successes (and Failures) Tell Us About Implementing Federal Evidence Standards (January 19, 2017)
Chronicle of Philanthropy, $50 Million Social Innovation Fund May Continue Under Trump, Some Predict (January 17, 2017)
Government Executive, The Future of Evidence-Based Policy Hangs on the Trump-Ryan Relationship (November 14, 2016)
Government Executive, Evidence-Based Policy Proponents Face Cost, Privacy, Political Hurdles (October 26, 2016)
Lisbeth Schorr & Srik Gopal, Stanford Social Innovation Review, Broadening the Evidence Base Without “Defining Evidence Down” (August 3, 2016)
Stanford Social Innovation Review, Defining Evidence Down (July 14, 2016)
Government Executive, Republicans Deploy an Old Tool in Combating Poverty: Evidence (June 14, 2016)
Bloomberg BNA, Ryan Appointees Boost Roster of Evidence-Based Policy Panel (June 9, 2016)
Education Week, Collaboration is Slow Going for P3 Effort (June 8, 2016)
Government Executive, If You Want Government Programs to Work, Think Like a Designer (June 8, 2016)
Governing, Performance Management on the Front Line (April 22, 2016)
Government Executive, There’s New Hope for Proponents of Evidence-Based Policy (April 8, 2016)
Government Executive, How to Design Contracts that Deliver Results (April 5, 2016)
Government Executive, Hidden In the Partisan Budget Divide: An Agreement on Evidence-based Policy (February 19, 2016)
Sonal Shah & Marta Urquilla, Beeck Center for Social Impact + Innovation, Stanford Social Innovation Review, An Outcomes Mindset for Systemic Impact (February 4, 2016)
Chronicle of Social Change, Lester: Evidence-Based Timeline of Families First Act Might Be Tough to Fulfill (January 29, 2016)
Government Executive, Pay for Success Can Stretch Agency Budgets, and Already Has (January 28, 2016)
Stanford Social Innovation Review, The Promise and Peril of an “Outcomes Mindset” (January 13, 2016)
Government Executive, Does Pay for Success Work? Define ‘Success’ (November 17, 2015)
Howard Husock, Manhattan Institute, Chronicle of Philanthropy, Opinion: Congress Should Kill the Social Innovation Fund (September 21, 2015)
Paul Carttar, Bridgespan, The Chronicle of Philanthropy, Opinion: Congress Shouldn’t Kill the Social Innovation Fund (September 14, 2015)
Eleanor Clift, The Daily Beast, Can This Save Early Childhood Education? (July 25, 2015)
The Chronicle of Philanthropy, Social Innovation Fund Report Finds Signs of Success (July 1, 2015)
Nonprofit Quarterly, Social Innovation Fund Report Finds Less than Overwhelming Results (July 1, 2015)
Government Executive, Driving Results in Cities Could Influence Federal Performance Efforts (June 22, 2015)
The Chronicle of Social Change, PFS Watch: The Cleveland Case Study (February 27, 2015)
The Chronicle of Philanthropy, Pay-for-Success Is Gaining Momentum, Study Finds (November 17, 2014)
The Chronicle of Social Change, PFS Watch: What Winning Federal Grant Applications Tell Us about Pay for Success (November 11, 2014)
Nonprofit Quarterly, Ways & Means Committee Hearing on Social Impact Bonds Gets Little Attention (September 16, 2014)