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Category Archives: Evidence
Social Innovation Fund Cut, Other Evidence Programs Funded in Senate Spending Bill
The Social Innovation Fund would be defunded under a FY 2017 spending bill passed by the Senate Appropriations Committee on June 9. However, the bill included funding for other evidence-based programs, including $120 million for the successor to the Department … Continue reading
Obama Administration’s New Performance Grade: Improved, But Work Remains
The Obama administration has made substantial progress in measuring federal program effectiveness, but more needs to be done to shift federal funding to programs that work, according to a scorecard released Monday by Results for America, a bipartisan advocacy organization … Continue reading
Posted in Evidence, Government Performance, Politics
New Federal Commission’s Top Task May Be Setting a Truly Bipartisan Evidence Agenda
Efforts to broaden the use of data and research in federal policymaking may receive a substantial boost from a commission created by Congress last month. The new Evidence-based Policymaking Commission, established by legislation signed by President Obama on March 30, … Continue reading
Posted in Evidence
Congress Passes Evidence-based Policymaking Commission Bill
The House today approved legislation (H.R. 1831) that would create an Evidence-Based Policymaking Commission charged with making recommendations to Congress and the administration on the use of evaluations and administrative data for assessing federal programs and tax expenditures. The bill, … Continue reading
Posted in Evidence
Hidden In the Partisan Budget Divide: An Agreement on Evidence-based Policy
Presidential budgets are often greeted with little enthusiasm when Congress is controlled by the opposite party. This year’s Obama budget is no exception. But buried within the president’s $4.15 trillion budget are recommendations on evidence-based policymaking that may prove more … Continue reading
Posted in Evidence
SIF Funding Is Cut, i3 Level-funded in Budget Deal
Two Obama administration evidence-based programs whose funding had been targeted for elimination by congressional Republicans survived, although perhaps barely, in a final budget deal struck between Congress and the president Tuesday night. The package is expected to be passed by … Continue reading
Posted in Education, Evidence, Social Innovation Fund
Senate Committee Passes Evidence Commission Bill, Congress Proposes Defunding i3 and SIF
By voice vote, the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee today passed legislation (S. 991) that would create a bipartisan commission to recommend how Congress and the administration should expand the use of data to evaluate federal programs and … Continue reading
Posted in Education, Evidence, Social Innovation Fund
House Panel Approves Evidence-based Policymaking Commission Bill
The House Committee on Government Oversight and Reform today approved a bill (H.R. 1831) introduced by Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) that would establish a bipartisan commission to make recommendations to Congress and the president on how best to expand the … Continue reading
Posted in Evidence
Arnold Foundation Launches Evidence-Based Policy and Innovation Division
The Laura and John Arnold Foundation today announced the creation of a new Evidence-Based Policy and Innovation division that will be headquartered in Washington, DC. The division will be led by Kathy Stack, a former OMB official who led its … Continue reading
Posted in Evidence, Philanthropy