Performance Management

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Steve Kelman, A Bipartisan Proposal for Performance Management in the Next Administration (October 11, 2016)

Government Executive, House Clears Bill to Strengthen Program Management (September 23, 2016)

Gov Ex, Settling the “Gotcha PerformanceStat” Debate (June 23, 2016)

IBM Center, After Two Decades, Agencies Finally Are Starting to Make Performance-Based Decisions (June 1, 2016)

SSIR, Using Data for Action and for Impact (May 2016)

Governing, Performance Management on the Front Line (April 22, 2016)

Harry Hatry, Using Performance Data: Regular Data-Initiated Reviews (March 31, 2016)

Government Executive, The Best Judge of An Employee’s Ideas Isn’t a Boss, but Coworkers (February 22, 2016)

Economist, Reports of the Death of Performance Reviews Are Exaggerated (February 20, 2016)

New York Times, How Measurement Fails Doctors and Teachers (January 16, 2016)

Stanford Social Innovation Review, Measuring What Matters (January 4, 2016)

ACF, Using Performance Information to Manage Health Professions Training Programs (December 30, 2015)

Stanford Social Innovation Review, The Power of Lean Data (Winter 2015)

Stanford Social Innovation Review, Leveraging Lean Data (Winter 215

Robert Behn, Why Failure Has to Be an Option (December 4, 2015)

Isaac Castillo, Performance Imperative: New Thinking On How To Measure Nonprofit Effectiveness (September 10, 2015)

Robert Shea, 5 Steps to a Performance Management Culture (July 6, 2015)

GovInnovator, Using the Balanced Scorecard in the Public Sector (May 13, 2015)

Idealware, A Consumers Guide to Case Management Systems (April 30, 2015)

PerformWell, Webinar: The Performance Imperative – Living Up to the Promise of the Social Sector (April 16, 2015)

National Implementation Research Network / National Prevention Science Coalition, Ensuring that Evidence Has Impact

Urban Institute, Navigating Performance Management Software Options (July 15, 2015)

Beth Kanter, Markets for Good, Help! My Nonprofit Needs a Data Nerd (December 8, 2014)

Idealware / Markets for Good, Tracking Outcomes of Non-Client Services: How Do You Know You’re Making a Difference? (June 18, 2014)